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Terms of Refund\")]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\" A. The Ibidz services availed by the User from Ibidz Platform shall be subject to such charges, levies, or fees as may be determined by Ibidz. Ideally, a User would be undertaking the following payments while using Ibidz Services \")]),_c('ol',[_c('li',[_vm._v(\"Auction Entry Pass – the payment undertaken for accessing the Ibidz services, especially the chance to participate in the auction.\")]),_c('li',[_vm._v(\"Winning Advance – The payment of a specified percentage of the Winning Bid Amount.\")])]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\"B. The Terms herein provide for the terms of refund undertaken by Ibidz when the user has undertaken payment for any of the above two scenarios. It is stated here that apart from the terms stated herein, no payment refund will be processed by Ibidz for any payment undertaken by the User. These terms shall form part of the Terms of Use of accessing the Ibidz Services and/or Ibidz Platform.\")])]),_c('section',{staticStyle:{\"margin-bottom\":\"30px\"}},[_c('h2',{staticStyle:{\"color\":\"#333\",\"font-size\":\"18px\",\"text-transform\":\"uppercase\"}},[_vm._v(\"II. Refund of Auction Entry Pass\")]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\" A. The payment undertaken for Auction Entry Pass will be nonrefundable, and the Auction entry pass once purchased shall be irredeemable. Provided that in the event the Auction entry pass gets extinguished, and the purchase undertaken by you is canceled for a reason solely attributable to the Seller, the Auction Entry pass will be reinstated. The reinstated auction entry pass can be used to participate in another Auction; however, the same shall be irredeemable. \")]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\"B. We request you to, therefore, utilize the Auction Entry pass carefully and in accordance with due diligence and other requirements mentioned in the Terms of Use.\")])]),_c('section',{staticStyle:{\"margin-bottom\":\"30px\"}},[_c('h2',{staticStyle:{\"color\":\"#333\",\"font-size\":\"18px\",\"text-transform\":\"uppercase\"}},[_vm._v(\"III. Refund of Winning Advance\")]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\" A. The Buyer would have the right to inspect the Product and then execute an agreement with the Seller for the purchase of the Product. \")]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\" B. In the event the Buyer decides not to proceed with the purchase of the Product with reason that the Product Specification does not match as per the Auction Publication. The Buyer would have the right to request for cancellation of purchase to Ibidz and Ibidz upon its sole determination and verification may allow the cancellation of purchase (“Purchase Cancellation”). In the event Purchase Cancellation is approved by Ibidz, the Buyer will be refunded with the Winning Advance within normal banking. \")])]),_c('section',{staticStyle:{\"margin-bottom\":\"30px\"}},[_c('h2',{staticStyle:{\"color\":\"#333\",\"font-size\":\"18px\",\"text-transform\":\"uppercase\"}},[_vm._v(\"IV. Payment of Refund\")]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\" A. The refunds will be processed either to your bank account (via National Electronic Funds Transfer (NEFT)). If you wish to receive the refund to another bank account, you can update the details of the bank account in Your Account section. \")]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\" B. Refunds cannot be processed to third-party accounts. The name on your Ibidz account should match with the name of the bank account holder. \")])]),_c('section',{staticStyle:{\"margin-bottom\":\"30px\"}},[_c('h2',{staticStyle:{\"color\":\"#333\",\"font-size\":\"18px\",\"text-transform\":\"uppercase\"}},[_vm._v(\"V. Grievances on Refund\")]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\" A. Grievance Officer - If you believe that your rights are being violated by an item or information on the Ibidz Platform or while performing Ibidz Services, you may reach out to the Grievance Officer designated by us under the consumer protection laws under the following details: FOURO TECH Pvt. Ltd. e-mail Id: \"),_c('a',{attrs:{\"href\":\"mailto:grievanceofficer@ibidz.in\"}},[_vm._v(\"grievance-officer\")]),_vm._v(\" or you can send a registered post to this address 'FOURO TECH Pvt. Ltd. 2nd Floor, 2F, Vattoly Annexe, SRM Road, North, Ernakulam'. \")]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\" B. In the event any payment is additionally charged or any technical glitch or error caused you to lose the payment, you may inform us by writing to the Grievance Officer, and upon verification, Ibidz may process a refund in its sole discretion in the event the payment has been received by us. \")]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\" C. The failure by us to exercise or enforce any right or provision of this Refund Policy will not constitute a waiver of such right or provision. Any waiver of any provision of this Terms of Use will be effective only if in writing and signed by us. \")]),_c('p',[_vm._v(\" D. All the contents and services provided by us and available through Ibidz and any dispute with regard to the Ibidz shall be governed by the laws of India, without giving effect to any principles of conflicts of law. We are not making any representation as to the availability and legality of the Ibidz and services in other jurisdictions; in cases where our contents and services are used from other locations us shall not be responsible for the compliance of applicable laws. In the event of any claim or dispute You agree to submit to the personal jurisdiction of the courts located within Ernakulam, India for the purpose of litigating all such claims or disputes. \")])])])])\n}]\n\nexport { render, staticRenderFns }","import { render, staticRenderFns } from \"./RefundPolicy.vue?vue&type=template&id=af9f3c2a&class=true\"\nvar script = {}\n\n\n/* normalize component */\nimport normalizer from \"!../../node_modules/vue-loader/lib/runtime/componentNormalizer.js\"\nvar component = normalizer(\n script,\n render,\n staticRenderFns,\n false,\n null,\n null,\n null\n \n)\n\nexport default component.exports"],"sourceRoot":""}